Біографія Артема Довбика
— український футболіст, народився 21 червня 1997 року в місті Черкаси, Україна. З раннього дитинства він захоплювався футболом і показував виняткові здібності на футбольному полі. Вихованець місцевої спортивної школи, Артем швидко привернув увагу тренерів завдяки своєму таланту, що дозволило йому розвиватися як професіоналу з ранніх років.
Зростаючи, Артем продовжував вдосконалювати свої навички та поступово став одним з найперспективніших молодих футболістів країни. Його наполегливість та працьовитість привели до швидкого прогресу, і він незабаром став частиною юнацьких команд різних українських клубів.
Професійну кар'єру Артем Довбик розпочав у 2014 році, підписавши свій перший контракт із клубом "Черкаський Дніпро". Вже в дебютному сезоні він показав себе як результативний нападник, що привернуло увагу багатьох провідних клубів України.
У 2016 році Артем перейшов до дніпровського "Дніпра", де продовжив демонструвати високий рівень гри. Протягом сезону він став одним із ключових гравців команди, забиваючи важливі голи та допомагаючи клубу досягати успіху.
Його успішна гра в "Дніпрі" не залишилася непоміченою, і в 2017 році він підписав контракт з датським клубом "Мідтьюлланд". Проте адаптація до європейського футболу була складною, і Артем провів у клубі лише один сезон, після чого повернувся до України.
У 2020 році Довбик приєднався до "Дніпро-1", де знову став провідним гравцем і лідером команди. В його кар'єрі особливо виділяється момент, коли в червні 2021 року він забив вирішальний гол у матчі збірної України проти Швеції на чемпіонаті Європи, що принесло його команді історичну перемогу та вихід у чвертьфінал турніру.
На сьогоднішній день Артем Довбик залишається одним із найперспективніших нападників в українському футболі, продовжуючи виступати на високому рівні як у національному чемпіонаті, так і на міжнародній арені.
Top-notch accounting audit and business setup firm in Dubai, UAE
Highmark is a top-notch accounting audit business setup firm Dubai, UAE. We are a one-stop solution for, corporate tax, business advisory services, and value-added tax (VAT), services in Dubai and other states of the UAE. Highmark also is a top-notch setting standard among accounting audit firm Dubai.
We have become one of the country’s best accounting audit and business setup firms in Dubai, UAE by making sure that our client’s financial reports are accurate.
Highmark firm is one of the best accounting audit and business setup firms in Dubai UAE because we focus on quality services and keep the needs of our clients first.
Quickly Access Our Professional Services
Why outsource accounting services to accounting firms in UAE?
Highmark accounting firm provides the best accounting audit and business setup services in Dubai, UAE. We provide a one-stop solution for all your mandatory services. It has been a built-in accounting outsourcing firm in Dubai for over a decade.
Our chartered accountants deliver top auditing services and have the experience and know-how to offer the best in business advisory services and business setup services in the UAE. We will help whenever and wherever it is needed.
With this, we will offer Dubai the best payroll services. Outsourcing payroll services to an accounting firm in Dubai, UAE, is a good idea because it saves you time and money. You can be sure that your workload and the number of mistakes will decrease in this area.
Why Highmark’s accounting audit business setup services UAE?
- Small business accounting services are part-time or full-time, high-quality services for a low monthly cost.
- On an hourly and daily basis, accounting and financial consultants.
- External audits are conducted on the mainland and in all free zones.
- Business projections and budgeting.
- Feasibility studies, our group’s audit firm validated and authorized feasibility reports.
- Business setup services from experienced consultants on the mainland and in the free zone.
- Due diligence and business valuations.
- Accounting software and ERP deployments include Tally, QuickBooks, Xero, and Zoho.
- Highmark accounting audit and business setup firms also have the best tax consultants in Dubai, UAE, who are experienced in following value-added tax (VAT), corporate tax, accounting services, and reporting laws.
- Highmark accounting audit and business setup firm in Dubai, UAE, is the most reliable service provider in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- We offer accounting, audit, business setup, value-added tax, corporate tax, business consultation, and services to help your business succeed.
Accounting Softwares We USE
Our aim is accounting audit and business setup services in UAE.
Accounting Firm In Dubai, UAE?
Expertise in Tax Consultancy and Compliance
Highmark accounting audit and business setup firm in Dubai, UAE boasts a team of top-notch corporate tax and VAT consultants. With a deep understanding of both past and current FTA laws, our experts provide tailored tax advice to suit your business needs.
Comprehensive Accounting Solutions
At Highmark, we offer a comprehensive suite of services, ensuring that all your accounting needs are met under one roof. From bookkeeping to financial consulting, our skilled professionals are here to support your business, allowing you to focus on growth and daily operations.
Cost-Effective Alternative to Full-Time Accounting Staff
By opting for our accounting services, you can save significantly compared to hiring a full-time accountant. Our flexible solutions provide you with access to expert assistance without the overhead costs associated with permanent staff.
Innovative Solutions for Market Advantage
We pride ourselves on our creative and innovative approach to accounting and business setup. Our solutions are designed to give your business a competitive edge, helping you navigate the market with confidence and efficiency.
- Experienced, qualified accountants always handle your work; we never hire or assign amateur accountants to handle your work.
- Our preferred policy is honesty, which we always show our clients when we do business with them.
- We handle everything a full-time accountant could do for you, from payroll to data entry to reporting numbers and preparing accounts for an audit report.
- Registering with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) on time is important for many reasons. Observing the laws that regulate corporate tax and value-added tax (VAT) in the UAE.
- Businesses in the UAE that meet certain requirements must register with the FTA. Businesses that fail to register on time are subject to FTA fines and penalties.
- Registering on time can avoid penalties and minimize any associated costs.
- Timely registration with the FTA shows that your business is up-to-date with UAE laws and regulations.
- This will help build trust with clients and customers and maintain a good reputation in the business community.
Highmark’s Answers To Your Important Queries!
What services offered by Highmark accounting and audit firm?
Highmark accounting audit and business setup firm offers a wide range of accounting auditing services, such as audits of financial statements, internal audits, compliance audits, operational audits, and forensic auditing. They also provide backlog accounting services, bookkeeping services for small businesses, and financial accounting services.
How Highmark accounting audit and business setup firm will help my business?
Highmark accounting audit and business setup services are the one-stop solution for all business consulting services. Call us for the outsourcing of accounts, external and internal audits, due diligence, business valuation services, CFO services, tax services, IFRS services, and so on. Our experts are good at accounting, bookkeeping, CFO, and VAT services. As competent partners, your business-related issues and concerns will be addressed satisfactorily. We help our clients grow by offering them solutions.
Can Highmark firm's tax consultants in Dubai help implement tax and file a VAT return?
Highmark Tax Consulting offers all kinds of business advisory services across the UAE. We thoroughly analyze your business’s procedures and processes, set up the foundation to track and analyze VAT inputs and outputs, educate your team on how to comply with VAT rules, and file the right VAT returns at the end of each filing period.
Why do UAE businesses need an external audit services annually?
Many companies need external audit services annually for different reasons, but not because it is an open and fair way to report a business’s financial statements to its stakeholders, such as its directors, clients, vendors, government authorities, free zone authorities, etc. An annual audit service is mostly done to get loans from banks, keep business licenses up-to-date, do tax audits, and present proposals.
What VAT-related obligations do business firms have?
When a business signs up for VAT, it must track all its financial transactions. The business must ensure that all taxable supplies are legally taxed under VAT. Submission of VAT returns and settling the VAT liabilities within a specific time. The records must be faultless throughout to be able to provide to Federal Tax Authority (FTA) for inspections and audits
How will accountants at Highmark help you structuring accounting system?
The accountants at Highmark will advise you on structuring an accounting system by providing tailored solutions that are ideal for your business. They will advise you on setting up a system relevant to your business’s size and growth and will advise clients on collecting and analyzing data so that you can take sound actions. They will also help you to make sure that the system complies with industry standards, giving you peace of mind that your financial data is correct and safe.
How can using cloud accounting benefit me?
Implementing cloud accounting will help you save time and money by automating your accounting systems. You will be able to access your data anytime and anywhere in the world. This makes it easier to keep accurate and up-to-date books and look up accounting transactions when needed. Cloud accounting services often give you better privacy and security features to keep your data safe. Your financial records and books are kept secure thanks to this.
What do the Highmark accounting and bookkeeping services consider?
Accounting and bookkeeping services from Highmark cover a wide range of financial tasks, such as making financial statements, managing accounts payable and receivable, keeping track of expenses, and analyzing financial data. They also help people plan for and file their taxes, make budgets, make projections, and handle their income.
Why should I consider hiring Highmark Accountants to do my bookkeeping services?
When you hire Highmark accounting audit and business setup firm to handle your bookkeeping services, you will save both time and money. Our experienced partners will assist you in maintaining the right financial records and making sure you’re obeying tax laws and regulations, giving you ideas for saving money and providing you with security, knowing that experts are managing your money. Highmark Accounting audit and business setup firm also offer various services, such as budgeting, financial planning, etc. With their experience, you will be sure your bookkeeping needs will be most cost-effectively met.
What are the business setup services we provide in Dubai?
Highmark accounting audit and business setups are dedicated to offering you services that are specific to your requirements. These will be important for good management, good plan execution, the setup of the business, and increasing productivity growth.
What services do we consider for business setup in Dubai?
As a business setup firm, it’s easy for us to help you decide whether to set up your business on the mainland or in a free zone. Selection of a business license and financial incentives.
What services do we offer for business compliance in Dubai?
We have a team of experts who will help you understand the UAE’s business regulations, such as the Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) and the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO). that all businesses in the UAE, including those in onshore areas and free zones, must keep up.
What tax compliance services do our tax consultants offer to your company?
Line of sight, you are connected to the hub of tax consultants at Highmark tax compliance services expertise. Our best consultancy services connect you to all of our major tax applications as one upstream data set.
What data security guidelines and practices will all be in one place?
We have set up a number of regulations, processes and have taken measures to ensure that all of the data, the system, and the computers are safe. We have existing security protocols that are effective and efficient to handle your important data.
What kind of clients Highmark firm deal with?
Highmark accounting audit and business setup firm in the UAE helps businesses in the, trading, manufacturing, retail, and banking industries with their accounting, audit and business setup services in Dubai, UAE. Our customers range from small to medium-sized businesses to large corporations.
1 Hour Free Consultation for Corporate Tax
Highmark accountants in Dubai | Accounting firms in Dubai UAE | Audit firms in Dubai UAE | Business setup firms in Dubai UAE30 Google reviews
Leila HaddiouiSeptember 16, 2023Very efficient, responding and organised! Highly recommended
Mian AhmedSeptember 16, 2023
Alizey ZahraSeptember 11, 2023
Rabia LaliSeptember 11, 2023
Anfal IkramSeptember 11, 2023It has been an immense pleasure to use your services.100% recommended
Sobia WasimSeptember 10, 2023
saad javaidSeptember 10, 2023Very professional
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Khaqan WarraichSeptember 9, 2023Good